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  你是不是也有这种感觉?  周末或者假期疯狂“补觉”,  睡了一天却仍深感疲惫(exhausted),  最后只能在上班时拖着沉重的身体继续新的工作……  其实,我们犯了一个很大的错误:  睡眠和休息并不是一回事,  可很多人都会错误地将这两件事情搞混淆。  (Sleep and rest are not the same thing, although many of us incorrectly confuse the two.)  接下来,就来看桑德拉医学博士  推荐的7种正确的休息方式吧!  TED演讲视频戳这里:  我们在日常生活中总会觉得自己休息好了,毕竟我们都已经睡了那么长时间——但事实上,我们在睡觉的过程中,恰恰正在错过迫切需要的其他类型的休息。  如果一直这样得不到良好的休息,我们就会形成长期疲劳、长期倦怠的个人文化。而我们休息不足背后的真正原因,正是我们不了解休息带给我们的真正力量。  在生活中,把握住七个关键点,你才有可能在休息中获得真正的能量恢复。  1. physical rest  第一种休息是生理上的休息。  The first type of rest we need is physical rest, which can be passive or active. Passive physical rest includes sleeping and napping, while active physical rest means restorative activities such as yoga, stretching and massage therapy that help improve the body’s circulation and flexibility.  这种最简单的休息可以是被动的,也可以是主动的。被动的生理休息包括睡觉和打盹,而主动的身体休息则包括瑜伽、做做伸展运动,甚至是去做个“马杀鸡”(massage),因为这样有助于改善你身体的血液循环和柔软度。  2. mental rest  第二种是精神上的休息。  The second type of rest is mental rest. Do you know that coworker who starts work every day with a huge cup of coffee? He’s often irritable and forgetful, and he has a difficult time concentrating on his work.   When he lies down at night to sleep, he frequently struggles to turn off his brain as conversations from the day fill his thoughts. And despite sleeping seven to eight hours, he wakes up feeling as if he never went to bed. He has a mental rest deficit.  比如你身边可能会有这么一个同事,他每天早上都要灌一大杯咖啡来迎接工作。可他经常急躁忘事,很难集中精力工作。而当他晚上躺在床上睡觉时,他也无法“关停”自己的大脑,因为白天的事情填满了他整个思绪。到最后,尽管他也睡够了七八个小时,醒来时却感觉好像没有睡过觉。这就是精神上的严重休息不足。  The good news is you don’t have to quit your job or go on vacation to fix this. Schedule short breaks to occur every two hours throughout your workday; these breaks can remind you to slow down. You might also keep a notepad by the bed to jot down any nagging thoughts that would keep you awake.  这个问题的解决方式也很简单,并不需要你辞职或者去度假。在你的每个工作日里,每隔两个小时就安排一个短暂的休憩时刻,这些休息会提醒你将节奏放缓。你也可以在床头放个笔记本,记下来任何让你无法入睡的烦恼忧虑。  3. sensory rest  第三种是感觉上的休息。  The third type of rest we need is sensory rest. Bright lights, computer screens, background noise and multiple conversations — whether they’re in an office or on Zoom calls — can cause our senses to feel overwhelmed.   This can be countered by doing something as simple as closing your eyes for a minute in the middle of the day, as well as by intentionally unplugging from electronics at the end of every day.   Intentional moments of sensory deprivation can begin to undo the damage inflicted by the over-stimulating world.  第三种是感觉上的休息。不论是明亮的灯光、亮着的电脑屏幕,还是背景噪音和嘈杂对话——这些办公室或视频会议中的元素,都会让我们的感官难以忍受。你可以做一些简单的事情来解决这个问题,比如在中午闭上眼睛一分钟,或者在每天工作结束的时候刻意拔掉电子设备的插头。这种有意识的感官剥夺可以消除过度刺激的外界对你造成的压力与伤害。  4. creative rest   第四种是创造性的休息。  The fourth type of rest is creative rest. This type of rest is especially important for anyone who must solve problems or brainstorm new ideas. Creative rest reawakens the awe and wonder inside each of us.   Do you recall the first time you saw the Grand Canyon, the ocean or a waterfall? Allowing yourself to take in the beauty of the outdoors — even if it’s at a local park or in your backyard — provides you with creative rest.  第四种休息是创造性的休息。对于那些经常要解决问题或进行头脑风暴产出新点子的人来说,这种休息方式尤为重要。创造性的休息会重新唤醒我们每个人内心的敬畏和惊叹。你还记得你第一次看到大峡谷、大海或瀑布时的情景吗?允许自己欣赏一下户外的美景——即使是在当地的公园或你的后院。这都能让你有一个创造性的休息时间。  But creative rest isn’t simply about appreciating nature; it also includes enjoying the arts. Turn your workspace into a place of inspiration by displaying images of places you love and works of art that speak to you.   You can’t spend 40 hours a week staring at blank or jumbled surroundings and expect to feel passionate about anything, much less come up with innovative ideas.  但创造性休息不仅仅是欣赏大自然,它还包括欣赏艺术。通过展示你心爱之地的图片和能对你产生对话的艺术作品,把你的工作空间变成一个充满灵感的地方。你不可能每周花40个小时都盯着一个空白或混乱的环境,指望在这里充满激情,更别提还要想出新点子了。  5. emotional rest  第五种是情绪上的休息。  Now let’s take a look at another individual — the friend whom everyone thinks is the nicest person they’ve ever met.   It’s the person everyone depends on, the one you’d call if you needed a favor because even if they don’t want to do it, you know they’ll give you a reluctant “yes” rather than a truthful “no”.   But when this person is alone, they feel unappreciated and like others are taking advantage of them.  现在让我们来看看另一种人——他们是每个人都认可的最棒的朋友。大家都依赖着他们,如果你需要帮忙,就会立刻想要打电话找他们,因为你心知肚明就算他们不想帮忙,他们也会勉强答应而不是拒绝。但当这种人独处时,他们就会觉得自己并不被欣赏,而是被利用。  This person requires emotional rest, which means having the time and space to freely express your feelings and cut back on people pleasing. Emotional rest also requires the courage to be authentic.   An emotionally rested person can answer the question “How are you today?” with a truthful “I’m not okay” — and then go on to share some hard things that otherwise go unsaid.  这种人需要的就是情绪上的休息,这意味着要有时间和空间去自由地表达你的感受,减少取悦别人的次数。情感上的休息也需要一种做回真实的自己的勇气。一个情绪得到休息的人可以在回答“你今天过得怎么样?”时诚实地说“我不好”,然后继续分享一些平时不会说的事情。  6. social rest  第五种是社交上的休息。  If you’re in need of emotional rest, you probably have a social rest deficit too. This occurs when we fail to differentiate between those relationships that revive us from those relationships that exhaust us. To experience more social rest, surround yourself with positive and supportive people.   如果你需要情绪休息,那么你也很有可能需要社交休息,尤其是当我们无法区分那些让我们恢复活力的关系和那些让我们精疲力竭的关系的时候。如果想要更多的社交休息,你就应该和那些积极的、支持你的人在一起。  7. spiritual rest  最后一种是心灵上的休息。  The final type of rest is , which is the ability to connect beyond the physical and mental and feel a deep sense of belonging, love, acceptance and purpose. To receive this, engage in something greater than yourself.  最后一种类型的休息是心灵上的休息,这是一种超越生理与心理而产生联系的能力——感受那种深深的归属感、爱、接受感和目标感。想要收获这些,就去做一些比你孤身一人做更好的事情吧。  现在,选择你急需的休息方式,试着让自己恢复到正确的休息状态吧!